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What’s a best alternative site to ?
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Here is list of a best alternative site to
1.Library Genesis-
Library Genesis has widely used website that helps you download the e-books for free. Standard ebooks, scientific articles, comics, fictions etc. are available on Library Genesis for download. Libgen provides the best choice to the scientists for research articles. It provides more than 1.5 million legal ebooks of popular authors.
2.Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is another popular site for free ebooks download. It offers more than 54,000 free ebooks. This site provides the collection of great literature, even the old ones for which the copyright has also expired.
BookFi is an online library of books that provide more than 2230000 ebooks in multiple languages. This is a Russian based ebook website. It provides an easy access to ebooks on different articles.
4.Open Library

Open Library is an open project same as Wikipedia. It provides an editable library catalogue, where one can contribute new information or editing to the catalogue. One can search the books by subject, author name, or the list created by the members.
5.Free-Ebooks offers a large collection of books for free. You can browse for fiction, non-fiction, academic, textbooks and many more popular articles for free. The site is most popular and one of the bigger collection of ebooks.
LibraryThing is a multi-lingual source of ebooks. You can browse for books, movies and music in the catalogue. You can share your library with other people of similar taste. The site is a social cataloguing for your books.
ChestofBooks enables you for reading books online for free of cost. The site offers the books on different topics like business, art, computers, architecture and construction, health and healing etc.
ManyBooks offers more than 29000 ebooks for free. The site has 150,000 plus readers for its collection. You can subscribe to the daily deals being offered by the site on latest articles.
FreeBookCentre lets you browse for thousands of free online technical books. You can download the ebooks on various topics like computer science, physics, mathematics, medical, electronics etc.
Feedbooks helps you read your favourite books anytime, anywhere. The books are available on any device: smartphones, tablets, etc. You can browse for fiction, non-fiction, language and other related articles for free or at minimal cost.
Bookyards is an online library of ebooks, where you can search for various ebooks, videos, blogs, links etc. for free.